
Posts Tagged ‘Business Model’

Finding the Perfect Business Model and Product of the Future, Today!

What points or qualities does a perfect Business Model and Product need to be considered as a Perfect modeled one for us today?

I know; questions, always questions, but it is a process that we must get to know and become condition to; to do, to find that which we are looking for, which we are actively seeking, and desiring to know.

Does this Model have a Global Opportunity?

For it will need to sell to the whole world, and be desired by the whole world rather than just your local Neighborhood, City, State or even your own home country.

Does this Business and its product(s) have an undeniable purpose, need, and/or desire?

One that is so common among all Races, Sexes as well as Ages is this desire a moral desire or a natural desire? Is it a reasonable desire? Is it something once experienced that people will keep desiring at almost any cost.

Is it Something that requires you to staff  little to no employees?

The fewer staffed employees the better, after all this is the new Goal of tomorrow’s business. Stream lined and self reliant.

Does the Product and the business that delivers it need to be replenished daily, weekly, or monthly?

Is this a fad or is it here to stay? This product will also be something that is not easily replicated or reproducible.

What is your Overhead?

The Ideal business will have a very low overhead. It will not need costly advertisement, legal advice, warehousing  or even a massive electric bill.

Is the business model unique?

Is the product also unique is there a secrete formula or ingredients that set it apart from would be copiers.  Such as let us say;( Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies) or (KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken) Does it require a special know how or procedure.

The initial investment or buy-in is it achievable?

An ideal Business will not require huge cash expenditures or large investments, in equipment or will not tie up your cash flow with an all at once product expense.* Note: there will be expenses and only you will be able to set those limits at the time that they do come up. Some will be unavoidable and needed. To start and to stay in business.

Does it have and use only cash billings?

The ideal business will not tie up your cash flow, with extended credit arrangements.

Regulation-Free ?

The ideal business is relatively free from all kinds of government and industry regulations.

Is it Portable? 

Can you take it anywhere or run it from anywhere? From  Florida, to California, from Europe to Asia.  And all the while as you are on vacation  in the Caribbean or sitting in your favorite easy chair at home.

Last, but not least Is it Fascinating?

To you of course. Is it something that will keep you focused and do you Love doing it? Tomorrow’s business must do this at all costs, for it will more then likely be run from your laptop, cell phone, and/or some other mobile device that you own or will soon own.


Well I do not know of any Model that fits all the above better then a MLM Business Model. Do you?

TTFN CYA around the Block.

Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man