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Emotional Tranquility You Can Receive It

Everyone experiences emotional stress periodically; a knot in their stomach which gets them all knotted up or queezy, some become frozen with fear, break out in a cold sweat for no reasoning at all. There by making them wanting to escape the place their feelings have place them into. One of being out of balance.

They are virtually entering into a full blown Panic Attack. When you feel these tremors you might become impulsive and never notice that your emotions are influencing your actions. There by causing you to be irritable or even down right short tempered, you need to find a way to re-gain your balance. And reconnect to your Soul and Spirit.

Being in a state of imbalance can lead to many impulsive emotions and conditions such as: impulse buying, speaking before thinking or using alcohol or drugs or other things can physically take place such as shortness of breath a heavy feeling in your chest or numbness in your arms and hands these feelings which are very uncomfortable to us all. You should try your best to learn to note these feelings as soon as possible. It is beneficial to feel them coming on so you can get your emotions back into balance. I do it with Prayer and many also do it with prayer. Some with meditation which is in deed a form of prayer.

You can do things to calm your mind, shift the stress, and settle your emotions. And re-gain or remain tranquil. Or as close to normal as one can get. No matter where you are, what you are doing or what is going on around you. How? You may be asking your self even if you are already a Believer.

One good way to do this is to form an inner vision. Imagining a place of peaceful Bliss, but you must take it further for it to work fully. Tranquility comes from a place in side of us all. We all posses the memory of this place. That will balance and soothe our emotional disharmony. It is the space of time we spent in the womb and right before that time, takes place we have a brief communion with our Father. For he gave you an option one this world and he that rules It wants you to forget and many have. Do you remember the option? It is the same for us all. For it was given to us all at the same instant when Time began.

With your eyes closed, imagine a place that prompts you to feel peaceful and calm. Many call this place Heaven, but it is not Heaven, but the memory of It. Maybe you prefer to visualize a sandy beach, a park, botanical garden or a place you feel safe, a spot in your home or garden or a favorite vacation spot. None of these can even come close to Heaven or being in the presence of Father. For this is what Heaven is and Hell is the Opposite. That is why it is so conflicting Here on earth there are many Visions here of a Memory and We can not recall Father’s Face a kind of amnesia for us all.

These attempts of earthly places and things may do for some today and in the past they may have served many well, but the times are a changing. For it is becoming harder and harder today to see yourself sitting calmly and quietly in that other place where another has deceived. Dis-allowing feelings of tranquility to engulf you. To embrace the calm atmosphere you must believe in It mentally, emotionally and physically. Then carry that feeling with you wherever you go. This is becoming harder and harder for a specific reasoning today. Some know that we are in the Last Season or what some are calling the End Times. There is a great Change about to take place.

Soothing mental visions will have less of a balancing effect on your mind and emotions. More often than not you will forget you have the ability to manage your emotions by managing the power of your thoughts. By consciously choosing to create a soothing inner vision of peace and tranquility you will be able to let go of stressful thoughts and enjoy a deeper sense of relaxation.

This exercise will also help soothe your emotions because you are immersing yourself in thoughts conducive to inner harmony. When you create a calm mind and balanced emotions, you can gain a great sense of balance over your circumstance and continue with your normal activities feeling refreshed and relaxed through it. Believers do this by seeing a place called heaven and everyone has a different vision or memory of It.

The one thing you will need to remember in managing the process is discipline and repetition (practice). Nothing becomes a habit until you make it a habit. Habits are formed through repetition (practice). Start practicing with no expectations and no judgment. As you practice you will notice some issues and situations are easier to manage than others. You might think you are doing something wrong – not necessarily. It is sometimes more difficult than you thought. However, it can be easier than you think too. The adage “practice makes perfect,” applies.

This Place called Heaven Is where true peace and assurance resides. Because Father is there. In this Season it is most important to know that a fake father shall come first before the real Father comes. Father is a Loving Truthful Soul that NONE can deny and None will have the ability to. Every knee shall bow and Every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord and Saviour of us All. And there is Tranquility in this that; when you see that you can receive it! Whosoever Shall Believe in and on The Only Begotten Son Shall have Eternal Life with the Father! Where Heaven Resides. Repent and be saved. Believe and have eternal peace from this very Day forward.

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