
Posts Tagged ‘Belief’

Living the life of a Champion! How Do we Do That?

Its simple! We Breathe, Think, Believe and Act like One.

 The Vemma Action Plan

This is now my Action Plan. It is comprised of eight simple steps proven to help you launch a successful Vemma business. But it can be adapted to almost every Business. With great content and terrific graphics, anyone can use this plan to begin daily result-oriented activities and kick-start their Vemma business or any of their other businesses.

You’ll be able to mentor and then train your team to duplicate your efforts and watch your team or employees flourish.

If you use It, Learn It well, and then share It; that is!

Learn and then teach others to dream big. Our dreams are the basis to our Vemma business they “Anchor us to our Cross” sort to speak. Most of us as children were natural dreamers.

One day we wanted to be a doctor; the next day we wanted to be an astronaut and so on. Anything was possible and there were no limitations. Reality was never in our vocabulary. We would see and use Cardboard Boxes, scraps of wood, pulled and straighten out nails. To build our forts and our tree houses.

We improvised much back then. Whenever a dream got a hold of us. Or should I say when we got a hold of It. And then we found a way every day. Until it was done or we found a bigger an  better dream.

Sadly, most people lose their desire and ability to dream and settle for mediocrity. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. Thanks to the Vemma business. Take 10 minutes for a Big Dream Exercise, go to Step 1 of the “Vemma Action Plan” and fill out the worksheet provided.

Here check it out at my website: Sinbadthesailorman Bronze Leader

Once here start to seek out the information. If you want to change your Life take action and start seeking. I am heading you in what I feel is a safe direction. A good place to start. Is it the right one for you? Only you and some time and exploration can tell. Tell You if it is right or not are you ready to begin dreaming again I am.

With the Vemma opportunity you don’t have to settle for mediocrity. Allow yourself to dream again…

You may have heard the phrase that “attitude is everything” or “your attitude determines your altitude.” Well, these statements are true. In order to succeed, you must recognize that your personal attitude is a choice —your choice. Choose to be positive and expect good things to happen.

I like to say your attitude will set your latitude. It is true with the right attitude you can climb to great heights, but with an action taking attitude you can also go far. Anywhere in our world today. It is a possibility with a good attitude and an action taking attitude. Do you have one? I didn’t.

Successful people spend the majority of their time surrounded by those who have already achieved what they seek to accomplish. Be an inspiration and set a good example, your team will look up to you!

By cultivating a positive attitude, you will attract successful people. As you continue to catch the attention of bright, talented people, you will put your Vemma business on the fast track.

For more information on staying positive, go to Step 2 of the Vemma Action Plan.

Seek and you shall find Knock and the door will be opened to you. Remember not to throw your pearls of wisdom before swine least they turn and rend you. As they trample upon them with their feet. Ask the people at Vemma and they will be more then Happy to answer. For we are an army of believers awaiting to enlist new dreamers.

Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor: Man Bronze Leader @ Vemma and the CEO/ Owner of JMKs Babydog and PW&OSfStSM
Some of my dreams have already begun to come true and they can happen for you and your dreams. That is! If you can believe!

It Gets Tougher and Tougher Without a Plan, Doesn’t It?

The Man inside of the Man

Well I have stated I was an ass-backwards thinker and I have a very choppy memory for the short-term and meaningless shite, in our stuffy short-term lives. I am easily sidetrack and derailed, and I have been often times been accused of being a quitter, these things maybe true accusations of my past life. I don’t think they are, I never have, but hey that’s only my opinion.

And Guess what! I am conceded too, so that there opinion, (mine) is the only one, that truly matters to me, any more. Well where was I going with this post, gee damn pain pills, let me check my notes! Ah, that’s it! Notes and logs, schedules and maps. Staying true to your course, staying on the path, and never giving up, never surrendering or admitting defeat, for when you do, your dreams and quite possible you, yourself will die. Well often times in life we have all felt that a little piece of ourselves has died, a divorce, a bad relationship with family members, a horrible accident or whatever.

Hey tomorrow is promised to no one, but eternity has everyone been given the chance to obtain, and hell, the price is right! Its free. You can’t ask for anything better and expect to receive it, in this world anyways, can you Hun? Well there is always at least one, that will try to argue the point.

So make that Point Mute or a Mote and UN moot-able!  A little poetic licenses was just applied. That’s my story and I am sticking to it. Some times in Life we must put ourselves first, if we are to be able, to be of any further use to anyone. By all means you, we must do it! So that we can move on to your next station in our lives. This is how it works, this is how it has always worked.

But if we do not stop and smell the morning coffee brewing…  hey where is the dough-nuts? Crap what was I saying.  Oh well it doesn’t matter you probably weren’t listen any ways. So make a plan Stan! Get on the bus Gus and Set yourself free, do it for you firstly then reward those you love for making it to the finish line, remember old Aesop’s  fables.  Slow and steady wins the race. A bird in the Hand is worth two in the bush and it’s not the dark that gets ya it is what is in the dark that gets ya reveal the light seek the Knowledge to succeed at what you’re trying to succeed at. It is out there in the groves and the fields set yourself to gleaming these places and find some kind of meat to eat.

A wise man once said it is within you, all that you would accomplish, it is already done, if you just but have the faith of a little mustard seed you may grow into a great big weed, that resembles a Tree. Well I rambled on some. I even gambled some. But did I cast my pearls before swine or was it receive by the divine? Only time will tell.

Get your plan together, dream a dream so big that it needs God’s help in its accomplishing of it and Pray with great and true faith. All things are possible to those who believe, even if they believe not in God himself the giver of all. I can’t stress the Fact strong enough that God is a part of every thing you and I do and that he is not unfair or bias.

I’m begging you to come and ask in the proper way, it shall come to pass. A little Faith goes a long, long way. So I wish you all a happy journey as you fight the good fight of faith, believing in your dreams, but remember some times the dream, you were dreaming is not big enough or good enough for you. And maybe, just maybe it is replaced by some others Dream for you or for their’s with you.

Life, ain’t it a Bitch? Some one open a window please!

Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man