
Posts Tagged ‘Vemma’

Living the life of a Champion! How Do we Do That?

Its simple! We Breathe, Think, Believe and Act like One.

 The Vemma Action Plan

This is now my Action Plan. It is comprised of eight simple steps proven to help you launch a successful Vemma business. But it can be adapted to almost every Business. With great content and terrific graphics, anyone can use this plan to begin daily result-oriented activities and kick-start their Vemma business or any of their other businesses.

You’ll be able to mentor and then train your team to duplicate your efforts and watch your team or employees flourish.

If you use It, Learn It well, and then share It; that is!

Learn and then teach others to dream big. Our dreams are the basis to our Vemma business they “Anchor us to our Cross” sort to speak. Most of us as children were natural dreamers.

One day we wanted to be a doctor; the next day we wanted to be an astronaut and so on. Anything was possible and there were no limitations. Reality was never in our vocabulary. We would see and use Cardboard Boxes, scraps of wood, pulled and straighten out nails. To build our forts and our tree houses.

We improvised much back then. Whenever a dream got a hold of us. Or should I say when we got a hold of It. And then we found a way every day. Until it was done or we found a bigger an  better dream.

Sadly, most people lose their desire and ability to dream and settle for mediocrity. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. Thanks to the Vemma business. Take 10 minutes for a Big Dream Exercise, go to Step 1 of the “Vemma Action Plan” and fill out the worksheet provided.

Here check it out at my website: Sinbadthesailorman Bronze Leader

Once here start to seek out the information. If you want to change your Life take action and start seeking. I am heading you in what I feel is a safe direction. A good place to start. Is it the right one for you? Only you and some time and exploration can tell. Tell You if it is right or not are you ready to begin dreaming again I am.

With the Vemma opportunity you don’t have to settle for mediocrity. Allow yourself to dream again…

You may have heard the phrase that “attitude is everything” or “your attitude determines your altitude.” Well, these statements are true. In order to succeed, you must recognize that your personal attitude is a choice —your choice. Choose to be positive and expect good things to happen.

I like to say your attitude will set your latitude. It is true with the right attitude you can climb to great heights, but with an action taking attitude you can also go far. Anywhere in our world today. It is a possibility with a good attitude and an action taking attitude. Do you have one? I didn’t.

Successful people spend the majority of their time surrounded by those who have already achieved what they seek to accomplish. Be an inspiration and set a good example, your team will look up to you!

By cultivating a positive attitude, you will attract successful people. As you continue to catch the attention of bright, talented people, you will put your Vemma business on the fast track.

For more information on staying positive, go to Step 2 of the Vemma Action Plan.

Seek and you shall find Knock and the door will be opened to you. Remember not to throw your pearls of wisdom before swine least they turn and rend you. As they trample upon them with their feet. Ask the people at Vemma and they will be more then Happy to answer. For we are an army of believers awaiting to enlist new dreamers.

Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor: Man Bronze Leader @ Vemma and the CEO/ Owner of JMKs Babydog and PW&OSfStSM
Some of my dreams have already begun to come true and they can happen for you and your dreams. That is! If you can believe!

Hey All How You Doing? I am Doing Fine as Wine

Well I can see the signs of aging or should I say the signs of time; as in the growth of a seed. I have cycled once already and I have gotten four personally enrolled people. Two on each side of my down lines. Plus I received one enrollee; enrolled for me by my Up-line en-roller. For a total of five personal enrollees.

I have qualified four of the five and I have also bought product through four of the five and earned for them about four dollars each. With out them doing a single thing or even having their two personally enrollees.  I am about to get my product for free by earning enough to cover the price of my monthly order yes I do use the products and I want to use them all for free.

Now when I say for free I mean that I am earning enough through my down lines to offset my cost for my products which I personally buy. I do this for several reasons one I love the products, and this also supplies the en-roller above me and those above him with their income streams.

Remember this is a usage and referral program you don’t have to consume all that you buy, but you must get It all consumed for the usage side of the business to work. Plus this will show the IRS that you are in business for your self.

After all every business sells something; either a product or service or information.

There is a lot to learn and then understand with the way and systems that MLM’s use to pay their Branded Partners or Associates. This is a reward for volume or sales you need to move and/or use product or get others to do so. You’ll need to have product on hand to use to sign others up with. It takes money to make money or It takes users to create a cash flow so you can grow.

Now I know I may sound like a babbling Idiot but the sytem rewards those who reward others. You might have heard it said those who help others get what they want will eventually get what they want. And this is very true in MLM systems the money flows up stream to those who keep the tides rolling growing and/ or flowing. New members in; more volume, more volume, the more flow. The flow is kind of like water it flows to the path of least Resistance. It flows evenly across the structure or ground (the Down Lines).

When you and your team are properly qualified the flood gates are open and the flow enters your down lines and then into their down lines like a giant irrigated field. And just like water it can and will dry up if more is not added. You expand the field by adding new members; who do the same. By expanding a field or by adding more flow (volume) with customers who only purchase the product lines.

It is not a hard system to learn or to understand if you just take the time to do so, but none the less, it will work even if you do not understand how It works. By following and doing what those before you have done. Listen to what your Up line is telling you to do! It is in their best interest to make you profitable for by doing so they become more profitable.

Remember they are very busy finding and helping those who are  showing them that they are becoming profitable or trying to become profitable. They will help every one they can if not. Home office will help you. There is plenty of help, plenty of coaching, plenty of meetings, and videos. And these all will supply you that help you if not! You will need to ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking. If you do you shall find your answers they are there. It is there for you, if you knock on doors of those up above you they will come down and they will help you. They wont do it for you and they wont make you do it and/or hassle you to do it. They are to busy enjoying the company of those who do, do it or try to do it.

I have Cycled once which made me a Bronze Leader. Now all I need to do is grow my profit leg. Which will become my personal enrollees power leg. And when they begin to grow their profit leg. This will become their personal enrollees power leg. This is just a basic overview there is much more behind the scenes. And many more perks and bonuses then meets the eye here and what I have shared with you, but by adding and using and helping others do the same the system compounds and grows and does so as long as people keep doing so.

I plan to keep using the products. So for me I need to do enough to at least get my products for free (pay for themselves). But I think it is an easy enough program to do. So I will try to earn extra income also. But I have a lot of time on my hands and this barely cuts into any of that which I do have really. I’d be foolish not to keep on keeping on its not all that hard to do truly It may be a little confusing at first and it still is, but I just do what the Up-line en-roller’s tell me and I grow.

It is simple share the product give out some free taste samples and share what the product has done for you.

It works and The products sell themselves truly they do.